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2012-11-26 15:14 来源:中国南方艺术 阅读

    川沙,加拿大籍华人作家、诗人、剧作家。生于重庆,祖籍山东,四川大学毕业。曾任文学编辑 、副刊主编及杂志总编辑。1991年赴英国,1999年移民加拿大。有小说、诗歌、戏剧、散文及文学理论作品在世界范围内发表。曾任加拿大两家出版社总编辑及多家报纸主编;现为加拿大华语诗人协会会长、加拿大中国笔会会员、加拿大大雅文化学院院长、加拿大国际大雅风文学奖委员会共同主席及学术评审委员会执行主席。主要作品有:诗集《拖着影子的人群(作家出版社,2001年)、短篇小说集《西方月亮》(与人合集,台湾水牛出版社,2004年)、长篇小说《阳光》(台湾商务印书馆,2004年)、诗集《春夜集》(英汉对照,广西师范大学出版社,2006年)。长篇小说《蓝花旗袍》(中国花山文艺出版社,2012  6),诗歌作品入选美国偌顿出版社《新世纪的语言》诗选集(Language for a New Centure, an anthology called Contemporary Voices of the Eastern World: An Anthology of Poems to be published by W.W Norton in 2007), 诗歌作品入选加拿大加韩21世纪文学论坛出版社VARIETY CROSSING第8卷(VARIETY CROSSING-8th volume,published by Korean-Canadian Literary Forum-21 Press ISSN 1706-9026,ISBN O-9689561-9-X),原著及编剧的四幕十二场大型诗歌舞剧《裙歌》在多伦多大学O.I.S.E剧场及多伦多市政府图书馆剧场(York Woods Public Library Theater)公演。原著及编剧的五幕十一场大型歌舞诗剧《合欢》 2008年11月1日在加拿大何伯钊剧院公演。 被评论作品《川沙诗歌精品欣赏》(主编:李咏吟 副主编:李志雄 范昀 胡孝根 )2010年8月 河北教育出版社出版。

    Chuan Sha, a Chinese-Canadian writer, poet, and critic, was born in Chong-qing of Sichuan Province. He enjoys the popularity of his versatile works, including novels, short stories, poems, plays, essays and literary reviews in the overseas Chinese literary community. Graduated from Sichuan University, Chuan Sha worked as editor-in-chief for a literary magazine for some years before pursuing further studies in the United Kingdom in 1991. He has lived since 1999 with his family in Toronto.

    Chuan Sha was editor-in-chief of Canada Poseidon Publishing House, and is now editor of North America Weekly. A member of the Chinese PEN Society of Canada, he is also Dean of Daya Institute of Cultures, and Director of the Chinese-Canadian Poets Association.

    Chuan Sha's major publications:

    The Shadowy Crowds (Poetry)
    China's Writers Printing House, November 2001
    The Sojourners (Short Stories, Co-authored)
    Taiwan Buffalo Publishing House, May 2004
    The Sunlight (Novel)
    Taiwan Commercial Press, Ltd., November 2004
    Spring Night (Poetry, with English version)
    Guangxi Normal University Press, February 2006
    Language for a New Century: Contemporary Poetry from the Middle East, Asia, and Beyond (Selected into the collection)
    W. W. Norton & Company, U.S.A. 2007
    Variety Crossing Vol. 8 (Selected into the collection)
    Korean-Canadian Literary Forum-21 Press, 2006
    Skirts Are Singing (Poetry in 4-Act Musical)
    Public performances in 2005 in O.I.S.E. Theatre, University of Toronto, and in York Woods Public Library Theatre. The performance is available on DVD, and is contracted to perform in several major Canadian and American cities.
    Harmony (Poetry in 6-Act Choir)
    Public performances given in the P.C. Ho Theatre on November 1, 2008. The play is scheduled to tour several major Canadian and American cities.


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